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Here you will find the most exclusive and best promotions available on the market.

Out of respect for our users, we do not accept any poker promotions that do not meet our high set standards. Nor do we approve promotions we do not genuinly believe in. As such, you can be confident you will find the very best exclusive promotions here at StackBack. Together with our partners, we endorse the following promotions.

What is rakeback?

Rakeback is a player rewards method.

In every poker pot played online the operator takes a fee called rake. The amount of this fee depends on every players contribution to the pot, that's why more frequent and active players tend to pay more than others.

Rakeback is here to put things in balance.

Sign up at Stackback.com today, and we will give you money back for every pot you play!

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Stackback offer the best rakeback and poker bonus deals. Play poker and get paid, you too.